[MD] vegetarianism

Robert Robinson bill_robbie at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 11 12:33:16 PST 2006

Damian Said:
  Please drop the 'vegetarianism is healthier' or 'meat eating is 
debate.  Both are wrong: you can eat unhealthily whether or not you eat
  This is true, But
  Robbie says, vegetarian eating of a balanced diet is far healthier, than meat eater carnivore humans, who include meat. Meat products contain Artery clogging Cholesterol. Also, our liver nornally manufactures its own Cholesterol.   Americans suffer obesity because they don't get much exercise and commonly eat diets filled with empty calories, but little nutrition (in processed foods). Ever heard of the Seventh day Adventist religion?  These folks are commonly vegans as a spiritual excercise or some other reason i don't understand.  
  But studies show that these folks of both genders live 5 to 7 years longer on the average, than the rest of the American population.  Vegetarian life styles are also far less demanding on the ecology of the planet.
  Vegetarians, if not careful suffer B12 , and Iron deficiencies, and Calcium deficiency too if they also exclude milk and dairy, and eggs from their normal eating habits. Hope this helps shed more light on the subject.
  If anyone knows someone, who is an expert nutritionist, or related fields they would easily verify all of the facts presented above.

Damian Gerow <dgerow at afflictions.org> wrote:
  I'm going to ignore the 'what we really are' debate here.

Thus spake Jos Laycock (jos5 at hotmail.co.uk) [08/11/06 03:28]:
: S'not correct, depends on how much you think before you eat.


: I see it that vegitarianism is a suppression of biological urges by a 
: cultural morality,

You're generalizing.

I have no biological urges to eat meat. In fact, eating meat makes me want
to vomit. Especially when I think about what I'm eating. And though I may
be a minority, I'm definitely not alone in this.

: There's nothing wrong with vegitarianism provided that the higher morality 
: doesn't threten to pull the rug out from under its own feet. 1st question 
: then is: Can a diet that excludes meat genuinely sustain nutrient intake in 
: a way that is comparable to one that doesn't? and secondly: What if one 

I haven't had meat for about a decade. I take no suppliments. Yet I've had
no serious health problems in those ten years: my iron content is fine, I
get more than enough protein, and I have zero problems with B5 (the Big
Three problems that face vegetarians).

In fact, I tend to /not/ come down with whatever seasonal flu/cold bug that
is going around. I haven't actually been sick in years.

Please drop the 'vegetarianism is healthier' or 'meat eating is healthier'
debate. Both are wrong: you can eat unhealthily whether or not you eat

: becomes so crazed with meat withdrawal that all useful intellectual thought 
: becomes impossible?

Wow, uh... I don't even know how to respond to that question. If someone
becomes uncapable of intellectual thought due to a desire to eat meat, then
that person should probably be eating meat.

: Have you seen a vegitarian in the prezence of frying bacon?

If a vegetarian's mouth waters in the presence of frying bacon, I'd
postulate that they're not really a vegetarian at all. Personally, though I
enjoy the smell of frying bacon, the thought of eating it disgusts me.

My personal feelings: there are meat eaters, and there are non-meat eaters.
You can eat meat ethically, and you can avoid meat ethically. Personally,
I'm not a meat eater, but that's my decision for myself, and not for you.
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