[MD] indefensible yet enlightening

craigerb at comcast.net craigerb at comcast.net
Sat May 1 21:01:09 PDT 2010

> Have you ever been at a loss for words?  Try to catch yourself at this sometime. 
>  I've tried and the best analogy I can come up with is "pictures". 

I'm trying to "picture" the case you're suggesting. 
Suppose you saw an awesome sunset last evening & are now trying to communicate 
the experience to someone else, but are at a loss for words.  Then the picture of that 
sunset comes  to mind.  Is this an example of what you mean by "thinking in pictures"? 
Or would you have to go on & try to descibe the picture? 

Or maybe an awesome picture of the Grand Canyon comes to mind.  Would this 
count for you as thinking in pictures. 

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