[MD] Spinning our Wheels, metaphorically speaking

Ian Glendinning ian.glendinning at gmail.com
Mon May 3 00:59:01 PDT 2010

John, Dave,

I'm moved to awe. Excellent exchange.

PS, and yes Andre SOL is surely one such stepping stone on "the road
beneath our wheels".

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:17 AM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> John said:
> ... For very, very many people, the whole GOD thing is a huge billboard pointing them in a Quality direction.  These people are your most primitive types, admittedly.  M. Scott Peck illustrates them as the criminals and police.  The drunkard and reformer.  Often, from a life of pure hedonistic selfishness, the only way to climb out of the chaotic patterns is to seek the structures of religion or society. ... On the other hand, there are those who get to the point where they're restless at this rest stop.  The rituals become hollow and meaningless, the priesthood venal and corrupt, the ideas stale and outworn.  For them, the rest stop with the big GOD billboard above it becomes a trap, a trap they need to flee. ... And that's where I think the MoQ is most helpful.
> dmb says:
> "Phaedrus saw nothing wrong with this ritualistic religion as long as the rituals are seen as merely a static portrayal of Dynamic Quality, a sign-post that allows socially pattern-dominated people to see Dynamic Quality. The danger has always been that the rituals, the static patterns, are mistaken for what they merely represent and are allowed to destroy the Dynamic Quality they were originally intended to preserve.     Suddenly the foliage opened up and there it was: the ocean."

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