[MD] Spinning our Wheels, metaphorically speaking

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Mon May 3 03:35:56 PDT 2010

Ian to Andre:

PS, and yes Andre SOL is surely one such stepping stone on "the road
beneath our wheels".

Hello Ian, but what I was getting at is; is the SOL interpretation a 'stepping stone' as you say, or a hindrance, as I was hinting at?

My question comes from Bodvar's oft pontification that one cannot understand the MOQ properly unless one accepts his SOL interpretation. Now, I think that that is (as dmb has pointed out to Mary) more of a fundamentalist stance than anything else.

I thought that one of Mr. Pirsig's aims of presenting the MOQ was to help us 'see' better. To assist us towards becoming 'awake' ( in the Buddha sense). To see things without the interference of dogma, authority, concepts, reports, books... without the MOQ!!By direct experience, living the moment now.

This is where Phaedrus wants us to go (each following our own dharma) and this is what he meant when he said 'Kill all intellectual patterns'.

Bodvar simply says: NO! You cannot reach enlightenment unless you 'go through and accept my SOL'!!!

The subjects and the objects he has created plus the Cartesian objective over subjective stance he assumes seem to be more solid than mountains...and diamonds!( which are, after all, inorganic patterns of value).

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