[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Tue May 4 20:37:56 PDT 2010

Bodvar to Andre:

No doubt the Quality Idea arrived intuitively, but my point is that he
couldn't go down to the town square climb a soap box and tell people
he had had a vision. He lived in a society totally SOM-steeped and if
his idea would make it, it had to follow the rules of that society. "When
in Rome ... etc"

Well, he wrote two books on it.

Well, you seem to see the point. However, the MOQ must not be
assimilated by acadmical philosophy...

Not sure what you are getting at here. ZMM on the reading list of many philosophy courses is a good start isn't it? And the 'assimilated' bit, well, with all respect, if you keep insisting on your SOL/SOM interpretation/designation of the intellectual level then you do not give many enthusiastic students much hope. You are suggesting they operate from within the SOL/SOM prison and there is no way they can get out. They'd get thoroughly confused and probable will give up.

New ideas take time to be accepted and I would think that the more people that get exposed and talk about these ideas the better, especially the MOQ. And, of course some people will misrepresent it, misunderstand it, (ab)use it for their own justifications of their own little agenda's. You can't avoid this. But some will appreciate the full implications of the MOQ and ride with it, share it and spread it.

You may be a pain in several places Andre, but as long as you speak
MOQ-speak you are magnanimously forgiven.

Well, thank you great Master. I am sure that if I ask Mr. Pirsig how to go about reaching a  true understanding of the MOQ he would say: 'Go do the dishes'.

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