[MD] Reading & Comprehension

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Wed May 5 06:54:37 PDT 2010

[Arlo previously]
It is as absurd to say "all intellectual patterns are SOL" as it would be to
say "all social patterns are theistic", or "all  biological patterns sexually

No, rather as relevant  as declaring all biological patterns alive.

There is a commonality to "intellectual patterns", but it is not "SOM". You are
attempting to use a species to define "all life".

As for your "quotes", they simply reflect the actuality of a dominant SOM
paradigm. Of course "society" saw "biology" as evil, and later "intellect" saw
"society" as evil. But this is not a "tenet", this is a malady.

I must add one observation. Some of these passages reveal a tendency of the MOQ
to sympathize (join forces) with society in a joint operation to quell

This is a horrible misinterpretation. The MOQ never sides with "society" to
quell "intellect", but it restructures "intellect" to know when it should
support "society" in its role to constrain "biology" as opposed to seeing
"society" as always something "evil". 

You who fight the SOL interpretation does the MOQ a disservice...

On the contrary, I think when Pirsig said that the SOL undermines the MOQ he
was correct.

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