[MD] e: Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu May 6 04:04:59 PDT 2010

Bodvar to Platt:

Page up and page down in LILA
Pirsig harps on intellects undermining social control which has resulted
in nightmarish conditions in many big Western cities. Only intellect's
OBJECTIVE OVER SUBJECTIVE attitude that makes morals into
subjective irrelevancies can work this ill effect. I need not repeat all
you fine arguments, but great show.

What tediousness! I have quickly gone over LILA and LILA's Child and Pirsig's use of subject-object metaphysics. He specifically uses (more often than not it seems to me) the 'qualifier' 'conventional'. He refers to the 'conventional subject-object metaphysics'. You two are superimposing this onto the intellectual level (leaving intact all confusing difficulties associated with this way of thinking)whilst Pirsig makes it clear that he didn't need to get rid of them because the MOQ could 'encase them neatly within its structure- the upper two levels being subjective, and the lower two, objective. Still later I saw that the subject-object distinction is very useful for sharply distinguishing between biological and social levels'.(LC, p 530)

Continuing to brandish the intellectual level as dominated by SOM intellect is simply not to understand nor accept the MOQ.

I need not repeat all you fine arguments, but great show.


'so while you're jerking off eachother...' (John Lennon)

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