[MD] e: Reading & Comprehension

Joseph Maurer jhmau at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 9 15:05:10 PDT 2010

On 5/9/10 5:30 AM, "Mary" <marysonthego at gmail.com> wrote:

> The goal of the MoQ is to realize that reality is not divided into subjects
> and objects but is undivided Dynamic Quality.
> You can experience DQ but as soon as you put it into words or pictures, or
> write a post about it it becomes Static.
> Statically yours,
> Mary
Hi Mary and all,
Dynamic quality is undefined.  Dynamic Quality is experience.  I experience
the undefined.  Imho analogy and metaphor can lead to DQ experience, if the
listener is familiar with an experience of DQ.
I do not see how words or pictures or writing a post about it puts it into
the static side of the intellectual level instead of the dynamic side. I
imagine the loneliness present when words and pictures do not communicate!
Is communication, then, misshapen and the undefined useless baggage if you
can¹t describe it in ways another can know it as undefined DQ like
evolution?  What about sensations, feelings, and ideas which are undefined
and knowable like DQ?

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