[MD] e: Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sun May 9 20:26:18 PDT 2010

Mary to John and Arlo:

Well, let me say it a clearer way, then.  The metaphysics itself, the books,
the logic, the arguments, the explanations, are all SOM\SOL.  If they
weren't, we wouldn't be able to read about it in books or talk about it
here.  The MoQ - the Metaphysics - is a static representation of the Dynamic
Quality but not the Quality itself.

This distinction is probably also the source of our disagreement above about
the East?

'Koans are designed to break the idea that an understanding of reality is necessarily gained through rational means.
'LILA was originally conceived of as a case-book in philosophy."Does Lila have Quality? is its central question.It was intended to parallel the ancient Rinzai Zen koans (which literally means 'public cases') and in particular Joshu's 'Mu'which asks:'Does a dog have a Buddha nature?' ( Anthony's PhD, pp 44/5).

It seems to me that when everything is reduced to SOM/SOL we are missing some very important insights.

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