[MD] Pirsig's theory of truth

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Sun May 9 23:30:27 PDT 2010

Mary, All.

I was into analyzing Andre's "analysis" of your post of 8 May, but one 
point came to occupy me all day and most of the night.

You said:
> Static patterns of value represent Dynamic Quality. 

If you mean that the MOQ is conveyed by language  it can't be denied 
and here is a Gordic Knot (not to say a Godel one) which is hard to 
untie. Language is originally a social pattern - the greatest means of 
communication there is - and ever since everything seem conveyed by 
language. I.e. it assumes much the same role as "thinking" does (for 
Horse, "the subject" (for Ham) "concepts" for DMB. Up to these 
various Xes everything was "out there" afterwards it got a shadowy 
counterpart "in here" (subjective thoughts, subjective concepts ...etc. 
Now, Phaedrus' original ZAMM insight was that this "in here/out there" 
distinction (i.e. SOM) is INTELLECT ITSELF, but the latter day Pirsig 
fell back into the pit he had managed to escape by defining intellect as 
the INSIDE ITSELF (manipulation of these symbols, i.e language).  

Pirsig's deviation began with him being seduced by William James 
about the pre-everything's unity  was disturbed by concepts, but - 
again - the REVOLUTIONARY insight was that DQ's first fallout was 
SOM (concepts different from the reality they represent) That this 
distinction is Q-intellect is hard to convey and obviously still harder to 
comprehend, but it is the MOQ. 

I don't think you Mary mean the MOQ to be intellectual because it's 
conveyed by language (like the fundamentalist do) but maybe you hint 
to it being static just because of that? Anyway, the MOQ certainly was 
conceived by biological intelligence "wrapped" in social language while 
these were employed by intellect  and then it was  presented in the 
required  intellectual - objective - form. However its content makes it 
unfit for co-existing with its parent level and it will take off on a purpose 
of its own when the the fundamentalist have seen the light. Fat 


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