[MD] e: Reading & Comprehension

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Wed May 12 04:17:07 PDT 2010

[Arlo previously]
".. all intellectual patterns are SOM."

"Intellectual patterns are misconceived as independent self and other".

These two sentences say the exact same thing.

SOM = conceived as independent self and other.

Hence, all intellectual patterns are misconceived as independent self and other.

I agree the two sentences may seem similar, but they are not the same.  

Explain to me then what SOM means if NOT "misconceived as independent self and
other". This is precisely what SOM is.

[Arlo previously]
Again, if this is the case... if ALL intellect is SOM by definition... then
where is the conflict in ZMM between the Sophists and Aristotle? BOTH were
peddling SOM.

I am presently not prepared to discuss the Sophists versus Aristotle;  I don't
get your point.

You don't get my point? If ALL intellect is SOM, then both the Sophists AND
Aristotle were peddling SOM, so where is the conflict between the two? What's
the point of ZMM in BOTH were pushing a SOM? 

We have strayed far from my questioning your "elevation/inferior dichotomy"

Not mine, those who peddle the SOL.

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