[MD] Reading & Comprehension

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Thu May 13 07:46:36 PDT 2010


12 May. 

> My point about substitution was that it creates some nonsensical
> statements, consider this from ZMM.
> Sure it creates nonsense, which proves that the Quality/MOQ "meta-
> metaphysics is nonsense, Quality is the DQ of MOQ's DQ/SQ
> configuration, like the S/O is  the SOM. You forgot to answer my
> question if there were any world view that said that quality is not
> reality?
> 'The statement that Quality is reality itself does not follow
> logically from the statements that quality is not subjective or
> objective. That is why Pirsig never said this.( Annot. 117)

Why not think for yourself for a change. The "Quality/MOQ " meta-
metaphysics is something Pirsig "holds against" the MOQ because it 
allegedly is "static intellectual"  (due to being presented by language) 
Now, the statement that Quality is outside everything is also 
"intellectual" from these criteria and requires another turn of the 
metaphysical screw. Why Pirsig didn't see this "screwing up of the 
MOQ" is beyond me.   

Then the annotation: 
    the belief that Quality equals reality came much later and was 
    arrived at by a more complex process...There was an 
    intermediate period where Phaedrus thought reality was three-
    termed, with subject, object and value- a 'blessed trinity' he 
    called it..

I know well the proceedings in ZAMM where it first was a "trinity": 
Quality, Subjects and Objects, then the realizaton of the S/O 
aggregate - now called SOM -  being a fall-out from Quality . Then 
more twists and turns resulting in Quality= DQ and SOM=SQ (the only 
"level" at that stage sub-titled "intellect" for your information)

    ..Later Phaedrus felt that three-termed realities are rather 
    unwieldy (low quality) and rare in metaphysics, and tried to 
    collapse them into one....He tried and he saw that it could be 
    done. As time went on, he saw that not only could it be done, 
    but that it solved huge philosophic problems that had dogged 
    metaphysics for centuries. It produced harmony where there 
    had bee disharmony. It had high intellectual quality'. 

I must treat this separately. "...tried to collapse them into one ..." by 
this he means that even if DQ/SQ looks like a dualism, both are 
Quality and thus in contrast to SOM's S & O which are worlds apart. 
The "huge problems that has dogged metaphysics for centuries" is of 
course SOM's two realms, thus the MOQ's purpose is to restore 
harmony, but this cannot be done by discarding SOM - there is no 
metaphysical  trash can, because there is nothing outside of 
metaphysics - SOM must find some place inside the MOQ and this 
subsumation can only be performed by the SOL.         


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