[MD] Know-how

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sat May 15 07:23:41 PDT 2010

Steven to DMB:

I've asked you three times already to please supply a definition of relativism with respect to truth.

You guys are talking in a high caliber philosophological language here, throwing names and concepts about the place a 6-year old child cannot understand it anymore...let alone my little self.
If I make no sense just ignore me but it seems to me that, within the MOQ, a relativist position is only taken with respect to truth and not the other way around as you, Steven seems to imply.

How can a radical empiricist be a relativist? What does a radical empiricist relativize???

My MOQ understanding of 'truth' is that, if it has greater explanatory power, is economical and produces harmony where, previously, there was none, then it is considered a high quality intellectual PoV...and continues to be provisional.

What justifies this (truth claim?): its 'betternes, its quality... the ultimate expression of which we will never know...unless you come up with a complete definition/understanding of Quality!

Sorry for butting in.
I'll get out of you way now.

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