[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Horse horse at darkstar.uk.net
Sat May 15 13:19:24 PDT 2010

Sorry Bo but I didn't 'clam up' as you like to think - I've been busy 
working on some more music so I could get it into a vaguely reasonable 
state for some friends of mine to listen to - a 40 track mixdown isn't 
the easiest thing in the world to do. I also have a bunch of other 
things on at the moment but I shall try and get around to replying to 
yourself, Platt and Mary as soon as I can.


On 15/05/2010 08:24, skutvik at online.no wrote:
> Andre, All.
> 14 May. :
> I had brought an argument that nullified yours and that released this
> childish tantrum, no arguments just charges of being impossible and
> not true to Mr Pirsig. I am true to the MOQ that's all I care about, It's a
> fantastic new tool that breaks out of the academic chains. There
> seems to be just these two option: wild accusations or silence. I asked
> Horse to answer how anything else than the S/O intellect can explain
> its control of social vale and he clammed shut. I knocked down DMB's
> argument (of various philosophers' INTELLECTUAL criticism of SOM
> excludes the SOL) and he shut up. There is no way - from MOQ's
> premises - to overturn the SOL because it IS the MOQt. Come back
> when you have something sensible to say.
> Bodvar


"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
— Frank Zappa

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