[MD] Reading & Comprehension

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Sat May 15 11:57:08 PDT 2010

Bodvar said:
I knocked down DMB's argument (of various philosophers' INTELLECTUAL criticism of SOM excludes the SOL) and he shut up. 

dmb says:

You are very much mistaken to interpret my silence as your victory. I agree with Andre in thinking you "are totally lost in your own interpretation and no matter what anyone says, you will not budge one iota of an inch". I think your position is entirely without merit, that it has already been defeated many times, including several times by me and Arlo and by Andre nearly every day, that your response to my last argument was sheer drivel (as usual) and I think that communicating with you is quite impossible. So I didn't bother to respond. Because I don't see any chance that it'll make any difference.

Knocked my argument down? I see no reason to believe that you even understood it, let alone defeated it. 

The post titled Pirsig, Rorty and the Sophists was, among other things, an argument against your position.  		 	   		  
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