[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sun May 23 08:39:25 PDT 2010

Mary to Khoo and DMB:

What was the Buddha thinking about under the tree?  Is the East really so

Andre (again!)

I am convinced that you have absolutely no idea... not even a remote one, of what Siddharta Gautama was thinking when he sat under the tree! so do not beg a question you cannot know the answer to Mary...this is silly!!( even Rigel the lawyer would not be so stupid).

This Bodvar-inspired presumptuousness is beginning to become ludicrous.

You know what he was contemplating?: He was contemplating (which is different from thinking!)human suffering. He was contemplating sickness, he was contemplating death. He was moved to contemplate what he saw and he was concerned... which is a lot more of what some contributors show on this discuss.

The result of this contemplative event suggested to him ways to make sense of this and to deal with this, not only for him but for everyone, each in our own way.

Is death subject or object? Is suffering subject or object? Is sickness subject or object? Is yin/ yang subject or object? Is form/ formlessness subject or object???

I asked you this before but you have chosen to ignore me after I really spat my gum at another theistic, god fearing, Jesus-accompanying-him-wherever-he-went character on this site.

You and Bodvar and all those who follow him ( and I think I have just about covered the lot!)are making a mockery of the intellectual level. It is as simple as that. And if you back Bodvar's SOL/SOM argument by referring to your own experience then I would simply say: speak for yourself Mary, but do not( as Bodvar does) project you 'notion' of the intellectual level on the rest of the god forsaken universe.

Your experience as experiencing nothing but subjects and objects shows that you completely misunderstand the first notion of Quality then the intellectual slice of DQ/sq and then the intellectual pattern which resulted in the MOQ.

Don't even bother to reply Mary. This is so silly. Unless you feel you really have to.

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