[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sun May 23 09:01:42 PDT 2010

Mary to Andre:

It seems pretty clear at this point that insulting myself and others on the
forum is giving you personal gratification.

I am truly sorry that I am giving you this impression as this is not my intention. I am trying to stay as close to Mr. Pirsig's unfolding of his MOQ as I can and that, after I think I have a clear interpretation ( which is different from understanding) I can start to play around with this stuff testing my understanding.

(how long are you carrying the girl for? or the green beans for that matter?)What are you talking about?

It seems to me that the greatest revelation the MOQ has done for you (and Bodvar) is that there is such a methodological construct as resulting in SOM. Well yupppee!!! Congratulations!

Yes, it is pretty well applied everywhere...this is science you know...investigating the in-and organic levels.
But to suggest that it IS the intellectual level is simply plain stupid. I have no other words for it.

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