[MD] knowledge

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Mon May 24 00:37:49 PDT 2010

On May 23, 2010, at 5:28 PM, david buchanan wrote:

> dmb says:
> Oh, for Pete's sake! It is Pirsig who compares the MOQ to James's radical empiricism and he does so precisely because James does NOT take subjects and objects as an unspoken assumption. He takes is at an artificial conception that has plagued the history of philosophy. James is aligned with Pirsig because he attacks that assumption. If i seem frustrated, it's because I've posted the quote at the end of chapter 29 about 50 times and yet you, Bo and Marsha treat James's ideas like its just something I made up. Again, it is Pirsig who identified James as an ally. I'm just elaborating on that fact. It would only take a few minutes to read chapter 29 of Lila. If you had an hour for lunch, you could read it twice and still have time to think about it. If you do that and you still think such comparisons are pointless, please let me know.


I don't find your ideas significant.   Maybe because I am not matriculated in your program of study.   Or maybe because they just seem dead.   



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