[MD] the sophists

X Acto xacto at rocketmail.com
Mon May 24 21:20:37 PDT 2010

Getting back to the orginal topic of the thread, I've been reading
plato's Sophist.

A visitor from Elea argues dialectically about the pitfalls of crediting
ones self as a dispensor of wisdom and to be aware of the hucksters
practicing as sophists. I see this work as a description of the type
of understanding that Socrates often reminded us of, that the wise know
they know nothing. If wisdom is to know you know nothing, then how
may this be bought and sold? 


when one is made aware they know nothing, they often grasp at the first
concessions of a knowing when it is artfully introduced to them.
Crafting the appearence of wisdom. But what is truly being sought after?
It seems the visitor from Elea rather believes that the social aspects
of wisdom, the appearance and persuasion to be of a lesser virtue than
the wisdom of socrates.

It seems the visitor from Elea is calling for a similar focus on a point of departure.

If one to replace Sophist with Scientist, it is quite like Pirsigs criticism.


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