[MD] moors

Fam. Kintziger-Karaca kintziger_karaca at hotmail.com
Wed May 26 11:30:41 PDT 2010

Hi Marsha
Well, Marsha , about here where i live 20 miles away, two spanisch wars occured , Belgium en Holland
were long time occupied by Spain,first, war between de "Staatsen"Hollanders , and the Spanish -1568
1648, then after this the Spanish succesion war between 1702-1713.

so given this wars , and my interest in thes events , i have a big knowledge of these events.
its possible to feed my interest , because many of the fortifications are still here.
aside of this gathering of warinfo , long time ago , ik came across the question about the dissapeared Moors
in Spain.so i had to solve the riddle then.
The Moors simply merged , blended in with the Spanisch population, they assimilated.
I never found proof for the item, but in that time, internet was not availiable like it is now .

after your question, i did soms reexamination, and of cours found a nice wiki-artikel on the matter
concluding and showing proof on the assimilation.

this is the link  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors

the subject is under "population genetics"
I knew this 30 years ago!

now a goodie-
not only some are exported towards the Spanish colonys, in the aftermath of their assimilation, some
became famous beiing the first Moors in the us, exported from Spain, imported to the new world.

First Moor in America


so-provable; the dna strain of the Moors can be found back in the americas.

so , in answer on your question, "where did the Moors go?"

They are , in fact on your doorstep.
Yours sincerely

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