[MD] the sophists

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu May 27 00:46:20 PDT 2010

Bodvar to Andre:

I believe I once called young Phaedrus an hyper-intellectual "pattern"
who became DQ's vehicle and I may also have called the MOQ a "Q-
level"  in connection with its level-like relationship vis-a-vis intellect, but
its no static level. However, at these high metaphysical altitudes it's not
easy to find the proper "netherlandish" formulations.

By the sound of things you have found it very difficult, over at least a decade or so to find the 'proper' formulations to accommodate your convictions which have little to do with the MOQ.
I think Mr. Pirsig's formulations are of extremely high intellectual quality.

The MOQ its no new level but a reality that have
swallowed the old one to form a new.

And this 'a reality' is supposedly your 'Quality reality'? By equating the MOQ with Reality you have done what Phaedrus desparately avoided in ZMM and Phaedrus of LILA referred to as Static representations of. Not to be confused with Quality itself. It is important to keep all concepts out of Dynamic Quality.
You have just committed an immoral act. You have 'reduced' Dynamic Quality to an intellectual pattern of value by suggesting that the two are the same.


To some this (closing of the Q circle) sounds like "encapsulating Quality" but the number of sub-sets
the DQ/SQ constellation can spawn is limit-less and its space of expansion is without boundary.

And this sounds like Norwegian gibberish to me.Just refer to my comments above.

The MOQ is out of SOM...

Pirsig has denied this...it is incorrect. He sees a devaluation of the MOQ in this statement. It is your and your conviction only Bodvar plus some you have managed to distort as well with your flawed argumentation thereby needing to correct Mr. Pirsig three-quarters of the way down, rewriting half his books and accusing him of not properly writing about nor understanding his own MOQ.
Write your own BOMOQ Bodvar and open a new site.

Andre previously:
At least the MOQ has a clear intellectual level and reference to DQ!

Have I denied that?

You have denied this for the past decade or so! To you the intellectual level is SOM. The MOQ denies this. Mr. Pirsig denies this. Lots of evidence to deny this... with all of which you have been presented dozens and dozens of times but a la the Cleveland Harbour Effect you are following your own map. Believing (your map) is seeing. Phaedrus had a few things to say about that.

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