[MD] the sophists

X Acto xacto at rocketmail.com
Fri May 28 06:28:58 PDT 2010

Bodvar to dmb:
You skipped my points that "teaching quality itself" is plain impossible (for Heaven's sake DQ is indefinable and hence unteachable) except learning about it as the DQ/SQ dualism form, but THAT could only be realized after the static hierarchy was completed.

dmb says:

Like i said already, the classroom scenes within ZAMM in particular and both of Pirsig's books in general show quite clearly what it looks like to teach DQ. These are huge counter examples to your claim that Quality can't be taught. These example are so obvious and so large that no fancy argument is needed. Teaching Quality is just a matte of getting people to notice what they always already knew from experience.  

Sorry, nothing personal. I just think your theory has no merit. Sadly, I think it actually PREVENTS people from understanding the MOQ. 

This is clearly where Bo's theories fall apart. Pirsigs main theme running through both
books, that one may teach Quality, the whole endeavor behind Greek thought
and philosophy.
Something we need to come back to. That is what I really enjoy about reading Plato
Socrates and Aristotle. They tackle the same questions and come to similar

Bodvars theories do not account for this, a major if not THEE unifying theme of
Pirsigs work.

To reject this is to reject any advancement in understanding and explaination.
Which is why Bodvar can not explain how his SOL provides any greater
explainitory power. 
He is unable to explain how it has any more practical value over traditional
objective materialism.

If it has no practicle consequences one way or the other, why make the distinction?

A logic trap.

To use Pragmatic method ..

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