[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Krimel Krimel at Krimel.com
Mon May 31 20:52:58 PDT 2010

>From  your "the MOQ a mess" premises it's almost a badge of honor 
to be characterized as ludicrous. See, rejecting the MOQ (meaning 
accepting SOM) is required to find the SOL ludicrous, and THAT is 
exactly my point. Thank you mr "anymouse".

The mess is obvious from that fact that this discussion continues. Your
response leaves open the question why. KI would think the only point of
agreement we might have is that Pirsig is the one who created much of the
mess. But SOMand MoQ are certainly not the only options on the table. I
notice that besides a bit of absurd label slinging you fail address any
point I may have made or to make one of your own. In the video game arena
this is call "turtleing up." You just pull your thick skull into your shell
and pretend you are making sense rather than merely being oblivious. As I
said before, "SOL, Shit Outta Luck."

What fun to have Krimel back. In condemning Bo's SOL he presents us with a 
classic example of SOL. You'll notice throughout Krimel's scientific S/O 
explication of the MOQ levels that values are not mentioned once. Not 
surprising really since, as Pirsig put it, "Science has no values. Not 
officially." (Lila, 4)

When you strip values from your description of the MOQ, your understanding
of it, by S/O scientific measurement, drops to 0.

Thank for the welcome.

Like Bo you resort to label slinging. Perhaps that is the only option
available but its pretty lame. Was it Ambrose Bierce who said, it is better
to keep silent and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth
and remove all doubt?

Still, it is simply not true that science has no values. Science is
officially chuck full of values. E=MC2 is an expression of the value of
energy in terms of mass and motion. PiR2 expresses the value of the
relationship of the radius of a circle to its circumference. One could argue
that science is about little other than value. The problem is the difference
between quantitative and qualitative values. Much of the problem with your
misunderstanding results from this confusion of yet another of Pirsig's
unfortunate selection of terms.

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