[MD] Science - Delusions in Search of Theory

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 11:44:51 PDT 2010

Hi Platt,
Consensus below, followed by enlargement.

Individual thought conforms to the intellectual level which consists of
systems including logic, the scientific method, subject-object metaphysics
so-called "critical reasoning." For most people in the west, such systems
comprise the sine qua non of quality thinking. They are taught by the
educational establishment, not only because they have proved useful in
understanding the physical realm (where most people's concerns reside) but
because it's easy to grade students on their ability to conform to the
and thereby keep them subservient. So, yes, in most instances thought is
considered "pertinent" when it meets the criteria of the approved thought
systems that comprise the intellectual level, guarded by a clique of
elites against upstart contrarians.

What you post resonates with my understanding.  It is the pertinence of
intellectual thought which is the key for individual expression.  Pertinence
(or agreement) must be arrived at through rational inquiry.  As such
deviations from the accepted can appear to be insane at first glance.  In
this way, I see the intellectual level being directed by individual thought.
 When such outliers become the norm, the transition is complete, only to be
changed again of course.  As we see in this forum, the paradigm shift is
from the subject object form of understanding to one of Quality.  In the
end, nothing changes in terms of subject and object, but the awareness of
such is different.  This is put forward in Zen when they state (and a
paraphrase), The mountains are still mountains, and the streams are still
streams, but they are regarded differently.  It is a full circle arrived at
through a conscious attempt at expansion.


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