[MD] The Dynamics of Value

Ham Priday hampday1 at verizon.net
Mon Nov 1 14:06:45 PDT 2010

Hi Mark --

> It would appear that we each have a unique personal sense
> of this existence. ...

Yes, that "appearance" is our worldview, weltanschauung, or reality of 

> At least I think I do, or else I would be looking through
> at least two pairs of eyes.  Perhaps that is what I am
> doing, and have just gotten used to it.  Perhaps I am
> looking through everybody's eyes, and this is what it
> feels like.  But for the purposes of discussion, let's say that
> the "I" that we sense is unique, and one of many others.
> Now, is that sense of the personal strictly created by the
> physical differentiation?  If not, how does one explain
> Nothing with this in mind.  As an objective description, I
> understand Negation.  Such a thing does not immediately
> appeal to my true subjective experience.  What is it that
> makes this body/brain mine?
> This is indeed the basis for many religions, and indeed
> Vedic and Buddhist philosophies claim a reincarnation
> based on this premise.  While I don't see how a
> reincarnation can carry any memory with it, because that
> is physical, I do suppose that the subjective sense of "I"
> can be circular in its existence.  This would also be
> supported by the conservation laws we currently subscribe
> to in physics.  So, negation describes awareness, how
> does it describe the individual "I" that is beyond thoughts
> (if such a thing does exist)?

Aha!  You have put your finger on the key to my valuistic ontogeny.  Now all 
you need do is insert the key in the lock and open the door.

Your brain, your body, your Reality STARTS with YOU.  Your self may be 
viewed as one instance of a free agent through which Essence is completed or 
perfected by an extrinsic perspective of value.  It is born of Sensibility, 
the "diffracted" individuated mirror-image of essential value from which all 
objective reality is actualized.  You are not only the locus of that 
reality, you are its maker.  What you experience as a pluralistic system of 
evolving things and events is your value construct.  Essential Value 
determines its design, order, and universality.  But the appearance that you 
intellectualize as the physical universe begins and ends with you.  It is 
literally YOUR REALITY.  How could what is your experience possibly be 
anyone else's?

Your experiential reality is the unique odyssey that actualizes your 
"being-in-the-world" as a finite valuistic phenomenon.  Since the appearance 
of finitude arises and disappears with your life-experience, you "exist" 
only once, and there is no carryover into a reincarnated existence.  You are 
born and participate in this self-actualized reality as an infinitesimal 
flash of value-sensibility, and then ...poof! -- it's gone forever.

Yes, negated self-identity is lost; remember, however, that the Sensibility 
and Value that ignites this flash are both derived from Essence.  Remember, 
too, that whatever essentially IS, is ABSOLUTELY.  Inasmuch as sensibility 
is essential, the value that you realize incrementally in this 
life-experience cannot be lost but represents your singular "value 
complement" in the Absolute Oneness of Essence.

Thus, to quote Ham from the online thesis ...

"Having rounded the negate cycle, the individuated self surrenders its 
'I'-ness -conditional being and existential awareness - completely to 
otherness, thereby revoking its negated status and reclaiming its 
essent-value.  For each of us, the act of dying represents the supreme 
sacrifice because it terminates the egocentricity needed for the continuity 
of individuated "selfness" through its transitory existence."

Since concern about "loss of selfness" accounts for most of the dread 
associated with death, it behooves us to remember that the truly meaningful 
experiences and greatest joys in life are those in which we lose ourselves.

As you see, I've opted for "Treat", Mark.  And, it may boost your ego to 
know that to your credit I have personally expounded more of my philosophy 
to you than to any other participant in this forum.

Congratulations and essentially yours,

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