[MD] Science - Delusions in Search of Theory

Platt Holden plattholden at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 04:37:34 PDT 2010

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Andre Broersen <andrebroersen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Platt to Andre:
> I'll take the superiority of what works to what is superior in theory any
> day. ..
> Andre:
> I thought we were discussing the MOQ. I thought we were discussing what is
> considered in the MOQ as a higher expression of morality. Intellectual
> patterns of value are assigned a higher 'status' than social patterns of
> value.
> In this little response you place yourself squarely in the SOM camp. You
> place yourself in the camp which does not recognize morals and all of a
> sudden you throw up that the MOQ is just a 'theory' anyway, the analysis of
> which you do not share because it is not sq convenient.
> My reference to the bucket with snot still stands.

Nice. Your insults are getting tiresome. Anyway, you ignore DQ, the highest
morality of all.

> Platt:
> Since such balance is impossible to define, I would choose the system which
> is more open to DQ -- the free market -- and take my chances with ending up
> among the degenerate.
> Andre:
> It is not 'impossible' to define Platt, and you know it. You just don't
> want your precious little sq's re-generated by applying moral (in this case
> intellectual) considerations.

Like I said, tiresome.

> Platt:
> If I fail to make myself clear, please let me know and I'll try to clarify.
> Andre:
> You are making yourself perfectly clear Platt and I find your distortions,
> bendings and twistings of the MOQ embarrassing and, I imagine, very
> confusing for newcomers.

Of course, you are the correct interpreter of the MOQ. Yeah, right.

> If dmb feels like needing a shower after your posting, I feel a strong urge
> to defecate.

May you both enjoy yourselves.

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