[MD] Is this the inadequacy of the MOQ?

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 3 20:54:32 PDT 2010

Tim said:
About murder I would just add, dmb, that it was my point that the argument in support of the murder I highlighted was an intelligent argument.  If might not be very intelligent, but it was in the level of intelligence none-the-less?  My point is, how is intelligence judged? What makes intelligence intelligence?  How can one assign any qualitative (or quantitative) distinction to any intelligent proposition?  Perhaps we need a new word, but I have been recycling 'objective'.

dmb says:

I'm not even making a philosophical point here, Tim. I'm just talking about human decency and common sense. If you're smart enough to understand the word "murder" then you should realize how crazy you sound. An intelligent argument in favor of child murder? There are animals that wouldn't stoop that low. You really don't see what a monstrously evil idea that is? How could such a thing ever be considered "intelligent" or "intellectual"? 


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