[MD] Equation of Quality solved

Jan-Anders jananderses at telia.com
Tue Nov 9 07:44:55 PST 2010

Hello again friends. I'm back!

Today 6 am, november 8th 2010 a. d. I found the answer on the question 
of Quality and Value. There was a thread some weeks ago but I missed it.

Here's my solution:

Quality is Reality divided by Desire. Q=R/D.

Or in MOQ language: Value is the Dynamic Quality divided by Static 
Quality V=DQ/SQ

The ultimate Value is the number of 1. When reality is as exact as 
desired. Not 43 as Douglas Adams wrote.

I just love to make things simple. Zero is nothing. 1 is to be.

Theoretic distilled ancient wizdom:

Desire and Static Quality has got three aspects:

Static Quality is made up of three independent dimensions. This can be 
the reason why it is so confusing to try to understand Static Quality. 
It's much easier with three of them. Static quality is three different 
sets of conditions that acts on any real object of dynamic quality.
    The first static quality is about mass, energy and size. Addition 
and subtraktion. It is the rules for how things are gathered together or 
reverse, brought from each other.
    Next static quality is about form, pattern and systematic 
structures. In this dimension the conditions for space, room and order 
are working on the reality. Geometrical, trigonometrical and relational 
stuff. How the gathered parts are put together. No impossible structures 
but pure artistic. Like a cube or a dragonfly.
    The third Static Quality is about how this formed energy is working 
on other objects. The impact, the message or the gain.

Dynamic quality is the balance kept by any combination of real energy. 
Any Darwinistic story of success is made by a Dynamic reality balancing 
in these three dimensions of Static Quality. A true balanced dynamic 
Quality is what gives it its Value.

A good hammer is of the right weight and size, it has a proper form so 
you can get a good grip and transfer effective power to the nail. A nice 
cup of coffe is big enough, well filled with hot coffe and tastes 
wonderful. A motorcycle with a proper balance of weight, construction 
and comfortable to drive is nearly impossible to find these days. A good 
house has the right size to make room for its owner. It has a certain 
pattern of walls, basement, roof and other installments to serve and 
protect the owner.


Sometime you can't see the forest because of all trees. But by using 
Phaedrus knife we can see that the forest consist of at least 2 trees. 
The relation between the two trees is very small but still a forest. The 
more trees the bigger the forest until the forest is seen as a number of 
1 again.

Science is about searching for the ultimate, undividable solution on 
problems. Science is searching for number 1. The smallest definable 
object. 1 is what differs from 0, zero or nothing. 1 is 1 and nothing 
else. For long time humanity believed that the smallest piece of materia 
was the undividable atom.
  As long as an answer can be divided into pieces there's always more 
research to do. The ultimate theory of everything, must be a one and 
only one complete theory. It also must be able to explain itself to be 
the true one.
  We can observe the power of static quality. We can determinate some 
characteristics upon the shape of static qualities like mathematical 
connections. We also know that Static Quality affects the reality, the 
Dynamic Quality,  in certain ways.

Immanuel Kant was discussing the object as it is (Das Ding and sich) by 
contemplating a table. But it is the releation between two objects that 
tells us the difference and the real nature of the object. The nature of 
something is always measured or compared to something else. Anything you 
describe is by words or numbers of comparison. Therefore, to be sure of 
the quality of an object, you have to compare it with another object, a 
ruler, a scale or a thermometer for example. The subject has to look at 
two objects and observe the relation between. Put another table or 
something else upon the first table. (Das Ding an Tisch)

We know that time exist as a relation between to states in a process. 
Time is irreversible and so on. Change is impossible without the 
existence of time.

Any change that takes action is under power from the natural physical 
laws and conditions in the universe that separates whats possible from 
the impossible. Anything that is possible can happen if the criteria for 
it is satisfied. Any level of the Dynamic Quality is already possible 
bit with different complexity.

Value or Quality of something is how the reality, what happens in the 
reality, how it corresponds to what is possible and desired. There is 
always a maximum quality of how a thing could happen. How well a house 
is built according to the plan for it. How well a shoe fits your foot. 
How well a federal market operation is fulfilling the desired goal of 
economic stability and wealth.

For example a line between two points. It can be curved or straight. The 
straightest line is the shortest but it is possible to connect two 
points with a not straight line. The difference between them is the 
quality of the line. If you wanted it to be curved, then real curved 
drawn line is compared with how curved it could be.

Another example: Under a period of time in a room you can walk 10 steps. 
It is your plan, your desire, to take 10 steps to reach an object in the 
room. If you walk 9 steps that is too few to reach the object. The 
quality of the walk is 9/10 which is 0.9. It can also be that the room 
is too small or the object you are reaching for is too far away. Worse 

If you instead took 11 steps, then you walked too far or took shorter 
steps. Then the quality of the walk is 11/10 or 1.1.

Everytime you eat something. You have a very clear opinion about how 
much you want. A potato too less or too much is of crucial value for the 
quality of your meal.

That is static quality by numbers, mass, size and volume.
Qmass=real mass/ideal mass  (Qwalk = real walk/ideal walk)

Quality by form is another static qualitative dimension. Anything that 
change by number, mass, weight and so on can also be changed during a 
process by its shape. Shape and quantity is two different and 
independent types of static quality.

You can have a big land or a small piece of land. It can be good or bad, 
a swamp in Florida or a piece of forest in North Dakota. Different size 
and different shape. A bike or a trike.

Any process that occur in the reality can be measured and objectified by 
its size and its form.

There are possible forms and impossible forms. Triangulas, Quadrats and 
doglike molecules.

Q form= real form/ideal form

Quality by interaction is a third dimension. How an expression of an 
object influence another object.

The form of a key tells if it can lock up a locker. The expressive 
static quality is about how the interaction work between the key and the 
locker. Interaction is possible and these conditions separates 
impossible interactions from the possible ways of locking up the door, 
The form of the key also have an ultimate ideal form to fit in your 
hand, your keychain and so on.

Temperature has a zero value, an infinite and a now value. The actual 
temperature has an ideal level that suits you best. Quality precision 
mustn't always be given in tenths, sometimes it's OK with anything 
between 0.8 and 1.2.

Temperature is the expression of a media, its mass and volume is moving 
because of the temperature and has a certain impact on its surroundings. 
A piece of art has a body with some kind of form that maybe tell you 
something. This little post is just a bunch of digital 1's and 0's 
arranged in a special form to express something to you. A piece of music 
has its dynamic energy and duration. The notes are composed and arranged 
in a very strict structure. And some people like it. Not to mention the 
Rhetorical value. Which and how many words will you choose and in which 
order and by what way will you pronounce it to maximize the quality of 
the message transferring process?

Qexpression=Real expression/Ideal expression.

The water in the oceans perpetually move in its faithless fight to find 
its equlibrium.

One drop into the water makes a growing ring on the surface. Rain makes 
millions of disappearing circles on the lake. Rain in a forest makes 
trillions of sound bubbles in the air. Growing with the speed of the 
sound. Everyone fulfilling its possible vibrating duration. Sound as a 
shocked media trying to find its balance again.

Flashes of light has an origin, an end and a momentual state of the vawe 
surrounding the origin as a timed unperfect sphere.

The three different static qualities; number, shape and expression is 
working together simultaneously in three independent dimensions. Making 
an eventual mostly unperfect sphere of the real result of all possible 
results, the dynamic quality. The actual state is at level now, between 
then and later. The dynamic Quality makes a globe around the starting 
point in the center which is Zero. The surface of the globe is the 
actual time. Inside is what has happened and outside is the future. Just 
remember that this is an abstract model, not the real thing. Levels of 
Dynamic Quality if the globe is representing the time from Big Bang to 
now, such levels as described by RMP can be placed more like an onion's 
layers. The ideal shape of it is a perfect sphere and the reality is 
something close to it. The area of a sphere is 4*pi*r2 and the volume is 
4*pi*r3/3. In a comparison between two areas or the volumes we can short 
away the 4*pi and keep the value of the three separate dimensions. If we 
suggest that any time difference is negligible we can also short out 
that. But not if we are in the middle of a project that has about half 
the time left.

The difference between this actual and the ideal sphere can then be 
calculated as

Q=Qmass+Qform+Qexpression=(real mass+real form+ real expression) * 
real_time^3/(ideal mass+ideal form+ideal expression)* ideal_time^3

Anything in nature that is not or has not fulfilled what is possible 
strive to find balance. As long as it's quality is not 1 the natural 
forces tries to equalize it. Any event is motivated by this difference 
from 1.

In working practice of today:

How do we use this formula? Is it possible to measure the values in each 

I'm sorry but I think its impossible to use normal scientific ways to 
use this formula. Therefore we got stuck here. We can calculate with 
mass, size and volume but it's much harder with shapes. Are we comparing 
their area, the volume or what? Is it reasonable to compare the area of 
an Irish Sheepdog? Or is it really possible to have competitions in art 
or litterature? No, I think it is too subjective.

Instead we have to go back to ourselves. Every one of us is an example 
of a working dynamic subjective. Our own living, as individuals, is a 
working three-dimensional dynamic quality process as long as we can 
survive, prosper and grow, physically and mentally. The tools we use in 
this process to be able to maintain and drive this process succesfully 
is our abstractions and feelings. By abstractions we take in information 
into our brain from any process and our feelings tells us how to act 
upon it. Humanity and a human being is a very complex process with high 
dynamic quality. Our feelings are developed and inherited millions of 
generations of earlier processes into our presence today.

   We do have a sence about proportions and can tell if something is too 
big or to small, to few or to many.

   We have an ability to abstract and understand shapes and forms, 
tracks and trails. We can tell if something will fit or not.

   We have a good sense of understanding the expression of sounds and 
signs, colors and humour.

All three are of the same importance. How could it be possible to feel 
good without using our emotional system?

"Use your feelings Luke"

"Don't underestimate the Force"

best regards

Jan-Anders Andersson

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