[MD] Betternes - 4 levels of!

Ham Priday hampday1 at verizon.net
Wed Nov 10 21:39:08 PST 2010

> On 10 Nov 2010 at 11:36 AM, Platt Holden wrote:

> Hi Ham,
> I'm with you. Just not in the same way. I agree that values emanate
> from a transcendent source. You call it Absolute Essence. Buddhists
> call it Atman.  Scientists call it Energy. I call it Cosmic Consciousness.
> And, I too inject that concept with a bit of intuitional insight, only
> instead of coming up with a rationale that approximates the hidden truth,
> I come up with beauty's impact as revealing truth -- beauty being
> another gift from the Creator.  Each of us has the same goal, and each
> respects the other's methods of grasping it. So I see our difference
> as a matter of emphasis, not controversy.

I haven't seen "Cosmic Conciousness" mentioned since joining the Rosicrucian 
Society with my dad at age 10!  (Actually, I had almost forgotten the term.) 
Your love of Beauty shows that you are a true esthete, Platt.  I only wish 
some of my friends and relatives could derive as much enjoyment from music 
and the arts.  This is indeed the purest, most direct source of experiential 
value.  And I agree that for those whose sensibilities are oriented to 
aesthetic value, no epistemological "rationale" is necessary.

> But, I wonder, Ham. What is it that draws you to this site?
> Since you disagree with much of Pirsig's views, what do you find here
> of continuing interest?
> Just curious.

I'm glad you added that last line, Platt.  When others, like dmb and their 
ilk ask me: "What are you doing here?" they really mean "Why don't you get 
out of my hair and leave?"

As I've said before, I was drawn to the MoQ while researching Value for my 
website, and was invited to join the MD by Mr. Pirsig in a short response to 
a query about his Quality thesis.  That was in 2004.  Since then, I've found 
the discussion thought-provoking, although I don't often agree with the 
ideas presented.  I suppose it's the "high quality level" of comments I've 
come to expect from participants like yourself that has made it well worth 
my while.  I also enjoy the challenge of confronting serious thinkers with a 
different perspective.  If nothing else, it's good exercise for a would-be 

As you know, for some time I was doubtful that my contrarian views would be 
tolerated here.  However, having "tested the waters" with some bold 
assertions recently, I'm pleased to report that my apostasy has so far not 
sufficed for Horse to put me on the "ejection list."  Seriously though, 
Platt, would a philosophy forum be as intellectually stimulating without at 
least one renegade in its midst?

Thanks for your concern, and kindest regards,


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