[MD] Betternes - 4 levels of!

Platt Holden plattholden at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 08:55:20 PST 2010

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 12:39 AM, Ham Priday <hampday1 at verizon.net> wrote:

>> As I've said before, I was drawn to the MoQ while researching Value for my
> website, and was invited to join the MD by Mr. Pirsig in a short response to
> a query about his Quality thesis.  That was in 2004.  Since then, I've found
> the discussion thought-provoking, although I don't often agree with the
> ideas presented.  I suppose it's the "high quality level" of comments I've
> come to expect from participants like yourself that has made it well worth
> my while.  I also enjoy the challenge of confronting serious thinkers with a
> different perspective.  If nothing else, it's good exercise for a would-be
> philosopher.
> As you know, for some time I was doubtful that my contrarian views would be
> tolerated here.  However, having "tested the waters" with some bold
> assertions recently, I'm pleased to report that my apostasy has so far not
> sufficed for Horse to put me on the "ejection list."  Seriously though,
> Platt, would a philosophy forum be as intellectually stimulating without at
> least one renegade in its midst?

Hi Ham,
I agree that without you and other "renegades" this site would be deadly
boring. But, thanks to you and some others who challenge the "Great Author,"
we participants are kept on our toes. My one regret is Bo's contributions
have been limited by the site's referee. But, I'm glad to see that he has
given your contrarian views full reign, no doubt due to the high quality of
your arguments and urbane civility that serves as an example to us all. Your
answer to my question about why are you here was exactly as I had hoped.  I
was gratified  to have my "intuition" about your motives confirmed.

Aesthetically yours, :-)

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