[MD] Plains Talk and Pragmatism

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 10:03:10 PST 2010

Hi dmb,
I don't want to sound like our colorful president, however, one must balance
to good and the bad of such religions.  Yes, there are a few self-centered
leaders that are followed by those who are seduced through group
nationalism.  There are some religions that may be less aggressive than
others such as Buddhism or MOQ (?).  So these do have value.  However, one
must also consider the fight to the death to protect one's manner of
thinking to stem from something of very high value or quality.  Quality
could be represented by such irrational behavior.

To respond the Tim, the purpose of religion is to deal with the unknown.  It
is no different from any metaphysics in that way.  Some ways deal better
than others, but that is up to the individual.


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:55 AM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Tim said:
> ...I might interpret his perspective on theism, whatever it is, as a desire
> not to levy karmic garbage on others.  He might view all solidified
> contemporary theisms as a karmic dump sourced from that theist's inability
> to deal with the unknown.
> dmb says:
> This is the thing about religion. Just look around. What is at the heart of
> our domestic politics and foreign policies? Muslims, Jews and Christians
> each define themselves in relation to the other two. Each form of theism
> thinks the other forms are wrong, if not downright evil. And this conflict
> is not limited to angry e-mails. It entails actual death and destruction.
> There is a vast difference of degree but not in kind. Islam uses suicide
> bombers to resist the infidels and Christianity uses assassins to resist
> abortion doctors. The fundamentalists in Israel literally believe it's their
> god-given right to occupy Palestine and of course all those Palestinian
> refugees beg to differ. And so both sides have a hard time even recognizing
> the humanity of the other side. This is the problem with theism. It's
> supposed to be a force for morality and good and brotherly love but that's
> obviously NOT what's happening. Quite the opposite.
> The framers of the constitution knew this about religion. European history
> is chock full of war, torture and murder in the name of religion. The age of
> colonialism was certainly about money and power but it was also very much
> about spreading Christianity at gun point. Whole cultures were destroyed in
> this process. And it's always about the guys and the bad guys. It always
> entails an epic karma dump. And today, in our context, theism is a
> reactionary stance. It's just a form of cultural supremacy and it could only
> be adopted by one who hasn't yet learned the lessons of history and/or one
> who hasn't read a newspaper in a long, long time.
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