[MD] Is this the inadequacy of the MOQ?

rapsncows at fastmail.fm rapsncows at fastmail.fm
Thu Nov 11 23:45:15 PST 2010


I was following up on the tao of physics and found this amit goswami
guy: my curiosity is peaked

AG: I'm glad that you asked that question. This should be clarified and
I will try to explicate it as clearly as I can. The early work, like The
Tao of Physics, has been very important for the history of science.
However, these early works, in spite of supporting the spiritual aspect
of human beings, all basically held on to the material view of the world
nevertheless. In other words, they did not challenge the material
realists' view that everything is made up of matter. That view was never
put to any challenge by any of these early books. In fact, my book was
the first one which challenged it squarely and which was still based on
a rigorous explication in scientific terms. In other words, the idea
that consciousness is the ground of being, of course, has existed in
psychology, as transpersonal psychology, but outside of transpersonal
psychology no tradition of science and no scientist has seen it so

from: http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j11/goswami.asp?page=2

  rapsncows at fastmail.fm

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