[MD] Encapsulating MOQ

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 11:07:52 PST 2010

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to clear up some misunderstanding that my posts seem to create.  In
some posts I ask questions concerning the MOQ.  Many in this forum see this
as an attack.  My purposes are to increase understanding, or more deeply,
awareness of the metaphysics.  It would appear from many of the responses
that I receive state that what I propose does not fit into the structure
which others have built for MOQ.  By saying that it is "not that and has to
be this", some people are providing a very severe capsule for MOQ.  This is
something that RMP warned about.  I have received quotes from the scriptures
as held in two books as proof that what such people are saying is Truth.  I
look more at the Quality of what is written.  Such an approach needs
interpretation, not verbatim recycling.

I can understand that after a number of years a rigid understanding can
form.  My interest is not so much in defending that structure, but in
broadening it for mainstreaming.  Such mainstreaming was indeed prevalent in
the 1970's.  When I read somebody post that I am wrong because Pirsig says
such and such, I don't think this is where RMP wanted to go.  Such a thing
is of course necessary if the intent is to create a department within a
department of philosophy, as in a University.  That is how such a thing

I find such strict interpretations of the philosophy to provide eventual
dead ends.  Again, I do not think this is RMP's desire.  If growth is seen
as the objective, then sometimes unmoving ideas of MOQ must open up.  This
would prevent encapsulating the MOQ so that only a few can subscribe to it.

I find this dogmatic approach self-destructive.


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