[MD] [Bulk] Re: Humanism

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 10:17:11 PST 2010

Hi Arlo,
Discussion below,

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Arlo Bensinger <ajb102 at psu.edu> wrote:

> [Mark]
> OK, my mistake.  I welcome any "mistakes" as divined by dmb.
> [Arlo]
> Sigh. You really are looking for a fight where none exists. Divined? Does
> it bother you that much that DMB is able to correct people when the
> attribute something to Pirsig when he said something to the contrary?
> The only "mistake" here is the impetus for force agreement at the expense
> of honesty rather than lead a solid disagreement. As I just said to Marsha,
> if she feels her ideas about the Intellectual level are better than
> Pirsig's, then she should articulate why. There is nothing wrong with this.
> What continues to be wrong is attribute those ideas to Pirsig, when he has
> clearly said such a view "undermines the MOQ". So if Marsha wants to press
> forth, her task should be to explain why they not only do NOT undermine the
> MOQ, but are better than what Pirsig has offered.
> I think, for example, my idea about including certain non-human species
> into the social level is better than Pirsig's view that the social level be
> reserved for humans. I disagree with him, but I don't bend over backwards
> tyring to "prove" Pirsig "really meant" what I believe. And I said he meant
> to the social level to be as I see it, I imagine DMB would point out this
> mistake.
> Is this really so difficult?

It is not my intention to fight and certainly I expressed that in my post.
 As I said I welcome dmb's input.  I have not had the opportunity to discuss
things with Pirsig.  As such, I get interpretations of what is meant through
these posts from others.  I have clearly stated that a quote from a book
does not stand on its own, do to the interpretive nature of our brains
(which is a good thing and displays some free will).  Therefore, I am not
attacking Pirsig, I am questioning the interpretation.  If some claim to
have a direct connection with what Pirsig is thinking when he writes what he
does, that is fine, I do not have such a connection, and I believe that if I
thought I did, I would somehow have divine powers.  While you do not bend
over backwards to prove what Pirsig meant, you do have a personal
interpretation of what it is.  Such a personal interpretation can be
explained to others with a few sentences.  I am not asking for proof, just
interpretive support.

Does this make sense, or do you feel I am still attacking?  Discussion is
often based on contrary interpretations (opinions).  This is why I state
that if dmb has THE interpretation, he should post it for the rest of us.
 Is this asking too much?


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