[MD] [Bulk] Re: Humanism

Arlo Bensinger ajb102 at psu.edu
Mon Nov 15 11:40:40 PST 2010

Divining does not require theism.

I took your use of "divining" to be mocking of DMB. Wasn't it?

Pirsig's ideas as you state seem to leave an interpretation of DQ up to us.

Right, and your "interpretation of DQ" is YOUR metaphysics. But 
you've slyly switched gears here, and given that you cheer Marsha 
this does not surprise me.

As such, we are discussing who's interpretation has more quality, 
again a personal stance.

We are discussing whose ideas have more quality, and to do that we 
need an understanding of what has been said, and what is being said 
in response.

As I said, my thoughts about non-humans on the social level is NOT an 
interpretation of Pirsig, it is a refutation of Pirsig.

Certainly you can tell the difference.

But yes, we are arguing whose ideas have more value, in Marsha's case 
its her ideas about Intellect=SOM versus Pirsig's ideas that 
Intellect!=SOM (that's programming code for "does not equal" for the 

Or in my case its about my ideas that Social=Non-humans versus 
Pirsig's ideas that Social=Humans.

But your last reply to Marsha really shows you are not interested in 
any conversation about this with me, as you ignored nearly everything 
I said and chose a path of unbased ridicule instead. Sad.

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