[MD] Modern American Humanism and MOQ

craigerb at comcast.net craigerb at comcast.net
Mon Nov 15 23:47:30 PST 2010

>  I abhor the the blind submission to evolutionary theory
As well you should.  However, you should also realize the support for &
power of evolutionary theory.

> I'm also skeptical of the collectivist (Marxist?) 
> implications in the last plank which states: "We seek to minimize the 
> inequities of circumstance and ability, and we support a just distribution 
> of nature's resources and the fruits of human effort."

I don't see any collectivist or Marxist implication in "minimizing inequities"
or "just distribution".
Minimizing inequities is something an individual can do.
And for a distribution to be just, there must be a connection between
what is received & what is earned, which is antithetical to Marxism.

> In the event that some of you don't have a handle on this philosophy and the 
> belief system it fosters -- frankly, I didn't -- the following is a digest 
> of two days of research on the Internet.

Now you're just losing focus on the points that were presented.

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