[MD] Pragmatic Fruits Indeed

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 11:42:11 PST 2010

Hi dmb,

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:36 AM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com>wrote:

> dmb says:
> Right. That's an important point and it's well said too. This notion of
> truth is very different from observational science and yet it is profoundly
> empirical. An idea is true when it successfully guides your experience, when
> it works in practice. And I think it's also important to see how ideas work
> WITH the leading edge of experience. As you rightly pointed out, "Phaedrus
> suggests that 'The leading edge is where absolutely all the action is. The
> leading edge contains all the infinite possibilities of the future. It
> contains all the history of the past'." (ZMM,p277) The idea used to guide
> experience will inevitably be derived the the past and aimed at the future.
> The present moment is where all the action is but this is going to be
> aimless without the patterns of the past. To describe the nature of
> experience, James uses images like riding the crest of a wave (cue the surf
> music) or a line of flame moving across a dry autumnal field. The idea, i
> think, is that the nature and
>  quality of the present moment is intertwined with where it's been and
> where its going. And I think this is a good picture of how DQ and sq are
> constantly working together. Intellectualization is not OPPOSED to pure
> experience. They are not mutually exclusive. The distinction is simply that.
> DQ is different from sq for the same reason that the present is different
> from the past and the future. To use yet another of James's images, the
> stream of experience is different from the conceptual buckets we take from
> it.

I agree with you.  There is a lot being written these days about the NOW.
 This is where the leading edge is.  There is no reason to disguise it as
dynamic quality, or something that happens to us before now.  There is a lot
of additional reading that I could suggest on the spirituality of such a
notion if you are interested.  I suppose this is the spiritual rationalism
that Pirsig is writing about.  This whole adventure is a mystical experience
as I have said before.  Dynamic quality is right now, it is nothing
mysterious if you can recognize it.  Thanks for the post.


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