[MD] Pragmatic Fruits Indeed

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 14:48:01 PST 2010

Mark to dmb:

Dynamic quality is right now, it is nothing mysterious if you can 
recognize it.

'He simply meant that at the cutting edge of time,before an object is 
distinguished, there must be some kind of non-intellectual awareness, 
which he called awareness of Quality. You can't be aware that you've 
seen a tree until AFTER you've seen the tree, and between the instant of 
vision and the instant of awareness there must be a time lag. We 
sometimes think of this time lag as unimportant. But there is no 
justification for thinking that the time lag is unimportant-none 
The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The 
present is our only reality. The tree that you're aware of 
intellectually, because of that small time lag, is always in the past 
and therefore is always unreal. ANY intellectually conceived object is 
ALWAYS in the past and therefore UNREAL. Reality is always the moment of 
vision BEFORE the intellectualization takes place. THERE IS NO OTHER 
REALITY'. (ZMM p241, Pirsig's emphasis)

Since 'now' is an intellectual concept it means that Quality is eluded, 
because of the time lag. It is important to keep all concepts out of 
Dynamic Quality but it is indeed 'nothing mysterious' if you reCOGNIZE 
it. You just think you've got it. Nice try.

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