[MD] What kind of ethical theory is the MOQ?

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Wed Nov 24 05:43:27 PST 2010

On Nov 24, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Steven Peterson wrote:

> How does one approach a moral conundrum from an MOQ perspective?
> Here's an easy one: should the doctor save the germ or the patient?
> Obviously, Pirsig says she should save the patient, but what is the
> justification? How does the MOQ fit in with typical categories for
> ethical theories?
> Is it teleological?
> Is it consequentialist?
> Is it deontological?
> Is it relativistic/subjectivist?
> Is it virtue based?
> Is it rights based?
> something else?


My answer is rather simplistic.  I would think that RMP would say 
to save the patient if, given the circumstances, it is the best thing 
to do.  How about quality based?   



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