[MD] What kind of ethical theory is the MOQ?

Steven Peterson peterson.steve at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 05:53:39 PST 2010

Hi Marsha,

> My answer is rather simplistic.  I would think that RMP would say
> to save the patient if, given the circumstances, it is the best thing
> to do.  How about quality based?

Doing what is moral means doing what is "the best thing to do," but
the question here is how does an moqist deliberate about what is the
best thing to do?

1. Do we consider the consequences of one act as compared with
another? (consequentialism)

2. Do we act according to our MOQ defined duty according to general
principles? (deontology)

3. Do we act so as to fulfill some external purpose? (teleology)

I think the MOQ is the 3rd type of moral theory. What do you think?


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