[MD] What kind of ethical theory is the MOQ?

Steven Peterson peterson.steve at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 07:49:41 PST 2010

Hi Marsha,

> A MoQ'ist, considering the circumstances, would use the best static patterns
> of value available.

As an MOQer, presumably the MOQer believes that the MOQ itself is one
of the best static patterns of value available for considering the
circumstances and making a moral choice.

> Is your question more about how best to intellectualize a hypothetical case
> without specific circumstances?

No, I am asking how an MOQer approaches the reality of specific cases
with all their specific circumstances. You can suggest any specific
example you want. The question is, for whatever that situation is,
what considerations does the MOQer make in order to decide what is

The following are three possibilities for what needs to be considered
(and there may be others). No either/or is required. The answer may be
a combination of these or none of them.

1. Do we consider the consequences of one act as compared with
another? (consequentialism)

2. Do we act according to our MOQ defined duty according to general
principles? (deontology)

3. Do we act so as to fulfill some external purpose? (teleology)

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