[MD] What kind of ethical theory is the MOQ?

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Wed Nov 24 09:36:43 PST 2010

Greetings Steve,   

On Nov 24, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Steven Peterson wrote:

>> For me, a MoQ'er, Reality = Quality(unppatterned/patterned).  Do you want to
>> make this a discussion of an independent self that chooses?
> (I was trying to talk to the one referred to above in the
> prepositional phrase "for me..."  Apparently, no such person exists,
> yet I keep getting responses from this person. Very strange.)

When 'I' use the convention label 'I' I am referring to a collection of 
ever-changing, interrelated, impermanent, inorganic, biological, social 
& intellectual static patterns of value.  The word 'I' is referring to a 
ever-changine process.   

> According to Pirsig, everything that exists is one big collection of
> value choices. The independent self that chooses in inferred from some
> such value choices. While the special ontological status of this agent
> is according to Pirsig a fiction, it is nevertheless often helpful to
> make use of the inference of an independent self as well as rocks, and
> trees, and governments. I think we all understand that. Why bring it
> up here?

Because the collection of static patterns of value are changing.  And the 
best choice made can only be determined by the patterns available within 
the event. 

> While Pirsig's point is important, there is a time and place for
> pointing out that the special ontological status traditionally granted
> to the self in philosophical discussions is arguably a fiction, there
> are also lots and lots of other times where saying so is entirely
> irrelevant to the matter at hand. Have you considered that this might
> be one of those times?

I have considered it, and believe the self as an ever-changing, collection 
of patterns can never be ignored.  Also the dynamic circumstances may 
have a major affect the event.  To constrain Quality within an absolute,  
generalized conceptual boundary seems totally anti-MoQ.  

>> The MoQ'ist process would be, considering
>> the circumstances in a specific case, to use the best static patterns available.
>> Honestly, I do not think more needs to be decided?
> I'm just asking what you think the best static patterns available are,
> but you don't seem interested in that game, and I'm not interested in
> the one you are playing since I am not permitted to take for granted
> for purposes of this discussion that you even exist.

Oh, I exist, but as a collection of ever-changing, interdependent, impermanent 
inorganic, biological, social & intellectual static patterns of value.  And therefore, 
the most ethical choice would always be using the best static patterns of value 
available in the event.  How could it be otherwise?   



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