[MD] a-theism and atheism

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 20:15:27 PST 2010

Hi guys,
I must be bored so I'll join the cocktail party group in the corner here.
 Just a bunch of insurance agents and sports fanatics on the other side.
 And, why were there no women invited?  Must have something to do with the
moose antlers over the door.

> [John]
> But I think the MoQ stands out quite a bit in fact, from the normal
> development
> of most metaphysical systems, which are usually highly technical
> conversations
> or reactions placed in academic systems.

It is hard for me to imagine that any philosophy suddenly occurred to
somebody in history and he decided to write about it.  It would seem to be a
sign of the times, more than anything.  But there are those lumbering
pondering gentlemen who take it upon themselves to write extensively on it.
 Yet, all these philosophies were ready to break free, something was just
right for them to sprout.

So, Science has gotten so technical, that we need priests to explain it to
us.  And there doesn't seem to be any solution to existence except to keep
distracting ourselves with gadgets.  Don't want to think of that Dark Night,
no, turn on  the TV for christ's sake, let's see what's happening in Africa,
we can feel good about that.  But, we are in a time where there is extensive
world communication, we can actually talk to a Buddhist and a Moslem and a
Confucianist, and an Existentialist all at the same party.

And, along comes ZMM, with its classical and romantic, it's drummer and
technical manual writer, it's Easy Rider cross-country adventure, and its
questioning of how we think.  Alan Watts had just died, perhaps too much of
that libation.  There were many such books then, and it hadn't all been
commercialized into little boutique feel-good shops yet.  It seemed more for
the regular guy, not some Moonie or Hari (shave your head) Krishna religion.
 It was a true story about a guy who got a glimpse of something shining
through the mechanized pedantic educated thought process.  Then he goes
nuts, and, through the tale rises like Lazarus, with his son saying "I knew

It was mixing the East with the West, on a motorcycle with an interesting
story that we could relate to, at least those of us in college with all
those stodgy professors giving out grades for things other than
intelligence.  Then the definitive novel came out about 17 years later,
which we had all been waiting for, and...  Well, it was OK.  I mean Phaedrus
was still there a little older maybe, but what a slogging journey.  I mean,
I've never been on a boat traveling down the East Coast, and don't know when
the last time I ever went to bars and found somebody, maybe never.  Where
was the plot?

Then what was once a topic of conversation around the beer keg became a
Metaphysics.  You know, that thing that came from Plato or somebody.  The
big guns came in as references, all those heavy thinkers from 20th century.
 Got to give it credibility, and what better way than to say it's just like
to big famous writings of those philosophers.  What was this thing called
Radical Empiricism?  How many years do I have to study that to understand
this new thing?

Doesn't matter, everybody is going to go ga-ga with this new philosophy.
 But, was it on the radio?  Were people yearning to go on a boat ride
through the channels to pretend they were on the edge of some awakening?
 No, it was swept off to the halls of philosophy, this was not a regular
man's way of thinking any more.  Got to do a thesis to understand it.

But, Quality was still alive, that could not be killed.  It made truth
subservient, nobody could claim to have that Truth and fool others with it.
 It made things bright, and novel, and, well, interesting.  One could get
deep into what was once a dead end job, and find the Quality in doing it.
 What a relief, something to make the day more interesting.  One cannot ever
get enough of the details of a single day.  You're a mechanic, cool, teach

Yes, Quality is alive and well, still being discussed in the coffee houses,
and rage parties; it just has different names now.  It is a sign of the
times, nothing is going to stop that.  Something is going to happen soon,
"you can sort of tell these things".

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