[MD] a-theism and atheism

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 12:39:15 PST 2010

Hi dmb,

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 10:26 AM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Arlo said to dmb:
> You know, the funny thing is that those who pride themselves for being
> "outside" the wall mistakenly think that they themselves are not behind an
> "immune system" of some sort, that it only us damned interlictials that
> suffer from being behind an immune system.
> dmb says:
> Funny? Again, you are much, much nicer than I am. I'd characterize these
> "outsiders" as preposterous and ridiculous, which is to say they have it
> exactly backwards and their objections are only meant as ridicule. In that
> quote, Pirsig is asking the Oxfordians to give me and Ant a fair hearing. He
> says we "deserve the careful, open-minded attention that early proponents of
> any idea need" because the MOQ "is still in its infancy". He's asking the
> academic insiders to listen to us and in that sense we are the outsiders.
> Ant was the first in the world to get past that immune system. That's no
> small feat, one that inspired me to change my whole life. That's not small
> either. But the anti-intellectual crowd turns that on it's head, as if Ant
> and I didn't go to Oxford to put ourselves into heart of the lion's den.
> Anyway, thanks again for being so sane and so gracious about this stuff.
> [Mark]
Yeah, Oxford Smoxford, did my thesis defense there under J. Albery who was
the Master of University College at the time (oldest and largest of the
colleges).  Great place, created by the monks, still has that religious
flair.  Had to speak in tongues there.  All that God stuff going on, and the
stodgy academicians.   I can see why you liked it.

Well Harry Potter, take a look at Imperial College.  Built on reason, not
some religion.  Even Newton came from the more advanced Cambridge not
Oxford.  Of course Newton was highly religious as shown in his Principia
(and don't forget about the apocalypse of 2060).  I'll leave Oxford and all
that circular philosophy to you.  Give me Science and Technology any day,
now there's a philosophy.

Helps me to understand where you are coming from, though.


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