[MD] [Bulk] spirituality

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Tue Nov 30 01:55:14 PST 2010

     "Over the last twenty years, a dialogue has been conducted between Buddhism and science, largely because of an interest in science shown by certain Buddhist thinkers, notably the Dalai Lama... 

     "The Main difference between the pursuit of knowledge in science versus the same pursuit in Buddhism is their ultimate goals.  In Buddhism, knowledge is acquired essentially for _therapeutic_ purposes.  The objective is to free ourselves from the suffering that is caused by our undue attachment to the apparent reality of the external world and by our servitude to our individual egos, which we imagine reside at the center of our being.  

     "Buddhism stresses the importance of elucidating the nature  of the mind through direct contemplative experience.  Over the centuries it has devised a profound and rigorous approach to understanding mental states and the ultimate nature of mind.  THe mind is behind every experience in life.  It is also what determines the way we see the world.  It takes only the slightest change in our minds, in how we deal with mental states and perceive people and things, for "our" world to be turned completely upside-down.

     "Profound as the findings of Buddhism are, it is important to keep in mind as you read this book that the Buddha's teachings are not dogmatic.  THe teachings should be considered as the insights of a guidebook...  Buddhism stands ready to revise its beliefs at any moment if they are proved to be wrong..."    

    ('Mathieu Ricard & Trinh Xuan Thuan, 'The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet',pp.2-3)

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