[MD] cloud of probability

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sat Jun 11 12:38:01 PDT 2011


I think Ant states it clearly in his PhD thesis:

As Pirsig rejects both mind-substance (i.e. the 'ghost') and matter-substance (i.e. the 'machine') oriented ontologies of the world, he employs one underpinned by value based events, Quality is considered the source of subjects and objects and can be regarded as a Dynamic event (1995a, p.12); an 'event at which the subject becomes aware of the object.'  (ZMM, 1974a, p.239)  These Quality events (or processes), therefore, obtain the status as the fundamental unit or 'primitives' of the universe and provide a unity between the observer and the observed; knowing mind and object.

(A Critical Analysis of Robert Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality,2005,Watts, p.133)


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