[MD] Words and concepts

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sun Jun 12 05:49:54 PDT 2011

Hi Horse,

I think a great place to look for "ever-changing" as I present it is in the MoQ Textbook 5.8.4 THE MOQ, DUKKHA AND AVIDAYA (IGNORANCE) 

 "...  As Hagen (1997, p.30) notes, one of the most fundamental truths noted by the Buddha is that all aspects of our experience are in constant flux and change.	According to the Buddha, when a person ignores this truth they subject themselves to dukkha."  


 "...  Following Taoism, Hagen sees that the fundamental nature of reality is change and reality can be handled more effectively if this is realised. This is because though irritation and discomfort will tend to arise, they will also eventually tend to subside. Dukkha occurs primarily because we wish things were different i.e. had a permanent, static nature."

  "In order to understand what is being said here, one should try and imagine all things, objects of experience and oneself, the one who is experiencing, as just a flow of perceptions. We do not know that there is something ‘out there.’ We have only experiences of colours, shapes, tactile data, and so on. We also don’t know that we ourselves are anything than a further series of experiences. Taken together, there is only an ever-changing flow of perceptions (vijnaptimatra). (Williams, 1989, p.83)"


  "This is supported by Herbert Guenther (1957, p.144) who adds:

   "Experience is the central theme of Buddhism, not theoretical postulation and deductive verification. Since no experience occurs more than once and all repeated experiences actually are only analogous occurrences, it follows that a thing or material substance can only be said to be a series of events interpreted as a thing, having no more substantiality than any other series of events we may arbitrarily single out.""

   "After some thought, I think Guenther’s comment is valid as I can’t think of any events that are repeated exactly. Moreover, like the concept of ‘self’, there’s no absolute objective rule to judge when one event starts and another stops. This means that any concept or term is fundamentally indeterminate, imprecise and, as time passes, increasingly less useful." 

I have meant what is very similar to what is quoted here.


On Jun 12, 2011, at 7:47 AM, MarshaV wrote:

> Horse,
> I have only a static 'understanding' of the MoQ.  I am not trying, one way or another, to make anybody else accept it.  I am still exploring different aspects.  Patterns happens to be one area that I found interesting right from the beginning.  My mention of Arlo was just kidding.  I meant no harm.  I think Arlo's project is great.  
> Marsha 
> On Jun 12, 2011, at 7:18 AM, Horse wrote:
>> Marsha
>> While I'm sure Arlo will be flattered, the reason that Dave spends so much time on what you say is because, over the years, you have managed, consistently, to misunderstand Pirsigs MoQ.
>> You seem to have a very good grasp of Bo's MoQ, Marsha's MoQ, etc., etc. However neither of the aforementioned (or the etc.'s) appear to have much in common with the MoQ as described by Robert M. Pirsig and this, I believe, is the point that DMB is trying to convey.
>> He (and others) also needs to spend that amount of time because (as with Bo previously) you are spending more than a reasonable amount of time promoting a misinterpretation of Pirsigs MoQ on a forum that is here to discuss Pirsig's MoQ.
>> Still, as Dave says in another post, it has given him (and a few others) the chance to defend the MoQ against the sort of misinterpretations that could (and does in at least on case) cause confusion.
>> Horse
>> On 11/06/2011 20:51, MarshaV wrote:
>>> dmb,
>>> I'm so flattered that you need so much of my attention.  Nine out of ten of your posts are directed towards what I have said.  While I think you are cute, I still cannot vote for you to become prom queen.  I am going to vote for Arlo.
>>> Marsha
>> -- 


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