[MD] a flimsy canopy of patterns

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Fri Dec 21 01:31:21 PST 2012

"For Buddhism, evil, like everything else has no essence or substance of its own, it is a product of impermanent causes and conditions.  Buddhism places less emphasis on the _concept_  of evil than on its _roots_:  three causes of evil, also known as three poisons --- greed, ill will, and delusion. ...

"Buddhist teachings imply we should focus especially on the role of delusion...   Delusion has a special meaning in Buddhism.  The fundamental delusion is our sense of separation from the world we live in, including our separation from other people. ... 

"Realizing our interdependence and mutual responsibility for each other implies something more than an insight or an intellectual awareness.  Trying to _live_ this interdependence is _love_.  Such love is more than a feeling; perhaps it is best understood as a mode of being in the world....  

"Twenty-five hundred years ago Shakyamuni Buddha said:

   "He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me"
    --- for those who harbour such thoughts ill-will never ceases.

   "He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me"
    --- for those who do not harbour such thoughts ill-will ceases.

    "In this world hatred is never appeased by ill-will;
    Ill-will is always appeased by love.  This is an ancient law."

    (Loy, David, 'The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory', pp.106-109)


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