[MD] lila's soliloquy

Michael R. Brown mrb at fuguewriter.com
Fri Mar 30 16:31:37 PDT 2012

HI 118 -

> AArrgghh MRB,

Often the reaction to me!

> What are you doing?!  Now I have to read all about Gorham!

You should. "The Pagan Bible" has some seriously intriguing stuff in it, 
sometimes G. is positively inspired, but as my site mentions he and his 
people had noxious homophobic and anti-Semitic associations.

I've talked to a few racists online. One was a hot girl with piercings. 
They're certainly "hot" in energy - one gets a distinctly burning, 
electrical feeling from them. Too bad it's so crazy-twisted and horrid.

> but now THIS!

Why is it striking you so? : )

> some all pervading presence

My big personal objection to Paganism is how earthy and ... chewy ... it is. 
I'm personally of the more ethereal kind, so to me it feels earthbound. I 
don't get that much out of foresty soil, though I like it.


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