[MD] static patterns of value

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Tue Oct 1 00:16:30 PDT 2013


Try to understand 'undifferentiated'!  

Marsha says:
Static patterns of value ... pragmatically tend to persist and change within a stable, predictable pattern.

> On Sep 30, 2013, at 2:20 PM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> dmb:
> What reason does anyone have to think that static patterns are anything other than the concepts derived from experience?


"I think it's better to say that time is a static intellectual concept that is one of the very first to emerge from Dynamic Quality. That keeps Dynamic Quality concept-free..."

"The MOQ starts with the source of undifferentiated perception itself as the ultimate reality. The very first differentiation is probably `change`. The second one may be `before and after`. From this sense of `before and after` emerge more complex concepts of time."

"... according to the Metaphysics of Quality, time and change did NOT act to evolve the static universe. Only Dynamic Quality did this. "Time" and "change" are primary concepts used to describe this evolution but they do not cause evolution any more than Newton's law of gravity causes the earth to stick together."

      (letter from ROBERT M. PIRSIG to Anthony McWatt, February 23rd, 1998)

'Change' is a concept!   Keep Dynamic Quality concept free!  


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